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Single Pilot CRM
Single Pilot CRM
Single Pilot CRM
Single Pilot CRM

Single Pilot CRM


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For aeroplane and helicopter pilots! The material is based on the author's Single Pilot CRM courses, with lots more thrown in!

"I have nothing but praise. It really is a timely piece of work. I’ve been through the United Airlines CRM program, and a couple of corporate programs. None of them are geared towards the single pilot environment, and I’ve always been suspicious that the single pilot environment is a lot bigger than the multi-pilot environment. I really like the phrase ‘Company Resource Management’ that you suggest. It’s a whole lot more appropriate for what we do in the helicopter world."
Mike Fergione"

Veritair/Cardiff previously enjoyed CRM cover as part of British International and last Monday was the first time since we had “escaped” that airline world that we had used a different source of CRM Training. Let me say immediately the previous BI courses was extremely thorough but had little real relevance to the operation of a small JAR Ops Operator. Perhaps constructive if I was to advise that the course based on Phil Coucher’s model/syllabus was first rate! Areas of particular value not covered before included “Captaincy”, an area neglected in recent years by the civil training world. Not only that, but a direct tie up was made during the course between “Captaincy” and the day to day relevancy/role that pilots often working on their own in a smaller non airline operator. All good valuable stuff not covered before on previous courses. Airline/multi crew type courses (are) often of dubious value to a small operator’s pilots. Issues ranging from an awareness to corporate responsibility to evaluating risk far better covered. Bearing in mind that the three Veritair pilots present (plus an air crewman) none of which had ever been through a military/training environment which increasingly will be the case these days. Thus “Captaincy” was never really addressed I suspect. As an employer with corporate responsibility I see significant value to the inclusion of awareness to the whole area of “Captaincy” that simply qualifying to fly an aircraft never touches upon in training generally. All told my team left the room better and safer individuals. The course/syllabus was truly worth praise. Perhaps you will allow me to consider myself a “doubting Thomas” converted to CRM!"Julian VerityManaging Director

Phil Croucher

Phil Croucher's computer books are the result of several years' experience of freelance network management, system building and repairs, being A+, N+ and Netware certified. He has been involved with computing since 1986, starting off with a variation of Acorn's BBC computer, the Torch, using its own version of CP/M, called CP/N. From there he has fond memories of the Sirius and the Macintosh, but has mostly been involved with IBM compatibles of all shapes and sizes, and still uses Multiuser DOS.

He has been a regular guest on AM1290's Saturday morning computer chat show, Experts On Call, and has written several columns for UK's Computer Shopper, PC Plus, Vertical and Pilot magazines.

Phil holds EASA, UK, and Canadian professional licences for helicopters and aeroplanes, and has over 8700 accident-free hours. He has at various times been a Chief Pilot and Operations Manager of several companies, including a third level airline in the UK. He is currently Head Of Training for Caledonian Advanced Pilot Training.

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